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Flutter and ML Kit: Machine Learning on Mobile

Written by Achin Verma | Jan 21, 2024 12:40:00 PM


  • Introduction to machine learning on mobile devices.
  • Overview of ML Kit as a machine learning framework for mobile apps.
  • The synergy of Flutter and ML Kit for building intelligent and feature-rich applications.

Understanding ML Kit

  • What is ML Kit?
    • Explanation of ML Kit as a machine learning SDK by Google for mobile app development.
    • Overview of ML Kit's pre-trained models and APIs.
  • Supported Features and Use Cases
    • List of supported machine learning features and use cases in ML Kit.
    • Examples of ML Kit's capabilities, such as image labeling, text recognition, face detection, and more.

Integrating ML Kit with Flutter

  • Adding ML Kit Dependency
    • Adding the ML Kit plugin to the Flutter project.
    • Configuring the pubspec.yaml file.

# pubspec.yaml
  firebase_ml_vision: ^latest_version


// Importing ML Kit package
import 'package:firebase_ml_vision/firebase_ml_vision.dart';


Initializing ML Kit

  • Initializing ML Kit in a Flutter app.
  • Configuring necessary settings.

// Example: Initializing ML Kit
await Firebase.initializeApp();

ML Kit Features in Flutter

  • Image Labeling
    • Implementing image labeling with ML Kit in Flutter.
    • Extracting labels from images.

// Example: Image labeling with ML Kit
final FirebaseVisionImage visionImage = FirebaseVisionImage.fromFile(imageFile);
final ImageLabeler imageLabeler = FirebaseVision.instance.imageLabeler();
final List<ImageLabel> labels = await imageLabeler.processImage(visionImage);

Text Recognition

  • Implementing text recognition with ML Kit in Flutter.
  • Extracting text from images.

// Example: Text recognition with ML Kit
final FirebaseVisionImage visionImage = FirebaseVisionImage.fromFile(imageFile);
final TextRecognizer textRecognizer = FirebaseVision.instance.textRecognizer();
final VisionText visionText = await textRecognizer.processImage(visionImage);

Face Detection

  • Implementing face detection with ML Kit in Flutter.
  • Extracting facial features and information.

// Example: Face detection with ML Kit
final FirebaseVisionImage visionImage = FirebaseVisionImage.fromFile(imageFile);
final FaceDetector faceDetector = FirebaseVision.instance.faceDetector();
final List<Face> faces = await faceDetector.processImage(visionImage);

Customizing ML Kit Models

  • Using Custom Models
    • Overview of using custom machine learning models with ML Kit.
    • Configuring Flutter apps to work with custom models.

// Example: Using custom models with ML Kit
final CustomModelInputOutput customModel = await CustomModel().runModel(inputData);

Model Personalization

  • Personalizing ML Kit models for specific use cases.
  • Training and fine-tuning models for improved accuracy.

// Example: Model personalization with ML Kit
await ModelPersonalizer().trainModel(trainingData);

Offline Support with ML Kit

  • Using On-Device Models
    • Leveraging on-device machine learning models for offline scenarios.
    • Configuring ML Kit to use locally stored models.

// Example: Using on-device models with ML Kit


Caching Model Results

  • Implementing caching mechanisms for ML Kit model results.
  • Ensuring efficient use of locally processed data.

// Example: Caching ML Kit model results
if (cachedDataIsStale) {
  // Fetch fresh data from ML Kit
} else {
  // Use cached data

Testing and Debugging

  • Testing ML Kit Integration Locally
    • Configuring a testing environment for ML Kit in Flutter.
    • Utilizing sample data for testing ML Kit features.

# Example: Testing ML Kit locally
flutter run


Debugging ML Kit Issues

  • Techniques for debugging common issues with ML Kit integration.
  • Utilizing Flutter's debugging tools for machine learning inspection.

flutter run --enable-software-rendering


Let's create a simple example demonstrating how to perform text recognition using ML Kit in a Flutter app. This example assumes you have set up a Flutter project and added the firebase_ml_vision dependency.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart';
import 'package:firebase_ml_vision/firebase_ml_vision.dart';

void main() async {
  await Firebase.initializeApp();

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: MyHomePage(),

class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyHomePageState createState() => _MyHomePageState();

class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
  FirebaseVisionTextRecognizer textRecognizer;

  void initState() {
    textRecognizer = FirebaseVision.instance.textRecognizer();

  Future<void> _processImage() async {
    // Replace 'path/to/your/image.jpg' with the path to your image file.
    FirebaseVisionImage visionImage = FirebaseVisionImage.fromFilePath('path/to/your/image.jpg');

    try {
      FirebaseVisionText visionText = await textRecognizer.processImage(visionImage);

      for (TextBlock block in visionText.blocks) {
        for (TextLine line in block.lines) {
          for (TextElement element in line.elements) {
            print(element.text); // Output recognized text
    } catch (e) {
      print('Error processing image: $e');

  void dispose() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('ML Kit Text Recognition'),
      body: Center(
        child: ElevatedButton(
          onPressed: _processImage,
          child: Text('Process Image'),


In this example, we initialize ML Kit, create a text recognizer, and use it to process an image for text recognition. The recognized text is then printed to the console. The Flutter app provides a button to trigger the text recognition process.

Make sure to replace 'path/to/your/image.jpg' with the actual path to the image you want to process. You can use an image picker or load an image from your assets, depending on your use case.


  • Recap of key steps in integrating ML Kit with Flutter for machine learning on mobile.
  • Encouragement for developers to explore various machine learning use cases in Flutter apps.
  • Reminders about the importance of testing and optimizing for performance in ML Kit integration.

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