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Flutter and Google Analytics: Tracking App Performance

Written by Achin Verma | Jan 20, 2024 11:29:00 AM


  • Introduction to the significance of analytics in mobile app development.
  • Overview of Google Analytics as a powerful tool for tracking user interactions and app performance.
  • The importance of integrating analytics to make data-driven decisions.

Setting Up Google Analytics in a Flutter Project

  • Create a Google Analytics Account
  • Guidance on creating a Google Analytics account if not already established.
  • Navigating to the Google Analytics platform.
  • Create a New Property
  • Steps to create a new property for your Flutter app within the Google Analytics account.
  • Configuring settings for the new property.
  • Obtain Tracking ID
  • Retrieving the tracking ID associated with the newly created property.
  • Where to find the tracking ID within the Google Analytics dashboard.

Integrating Google Analytics with Flutter

  • Add the Analytics Package to Your Project
  • Overview of the google_analytics package for Flutter.
  • Adding the package to the pubspec.yaml file.

# pubspec.yaml
  google_analytics: ^latest_version


// Importing Google Analytics package
import 'package:google_analytics/google_analytics.dart';


Initialize Google Analytics

  • Initializing Google Analytics in the Flutter app.
  • Configuring the tracking ID during initialization.

// Example: Initializing Google Analytics
void main() {
    trackingId: 'YOUR_TRACKING_ID',

Tracking App Events

  • Logging Screen Views
    • Tracking screen views to understand user navigation patterns.
    • Implementing screen view tracking in Flutter.

// Example: Logging screen views
GoogleAnalytics().sendScreenView('Home Screen');


Logging Custom Events

  • Tracking custom events to monitor specific user interactions.
  • Implementing custom event tracking in Flutter.

// Example: Logging custom events
  category: 'Button',
  action: 'Click',
  label: 'Submit Button',

User Engagement Metrics

  • Tracking User Engagement
    • Monitoring user engagement metrics such as session duration.
    • Implementing code to measure user engagement.

// Example: Tracking user engagement


Monitoring User Demographics

  • Utilizing Google Analytics to gather insights into user demographics.
  • Configuring user demographics tracking.

// Example: Configuring user demographics tracking
  name: 'user_type',
  value: 'premium',

Analyzing App Performance

  • Monitoring App Crashes
    • Using Google Analytics to track and analyze app crashes.
    • Setting up crash reporting in Flutter.

// Example: Logging app crashes
FlutterError.onError = (FlutterErrorDetails details) {


  • Analyzing User Journeys
    • Leveraging Google Analytics to analyze user journeys within the app.
    • Reviewing the Behavior Flow report.

Testing and Debugging

  • Testing Analytics Locally
    • Configuring a testing environment for Google Analytics in Flutter.
    • Avoiding analytics interference during development.

// Example: Setting up testing environment


Debugging Analytics Issues

  • Techniques for debugging common issues with Google Analytics integration.
  • Utilizing Google Analytics debugging tools for inspection.

flutter run --enable-software-rendering


  • Recap of key steps in integrating Google Analytics with Flutter for app performance tracking.
  • Encouragement for developers to utilize analytics to make informed decisions.
  • Reminders about the importance of testing and debugging in analytics integration.

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