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Expertise of our Angular Developers

Our dedicated Angular developers specialize in crafting robust solutions with the latest frameworks, delivering a wide range of Angular development services to our extensive clientele.

Angular Framework Mastery

Angular Framework Mastery

Having a deep understanding of the Angular framework, our expert AngularJS developers efficiently use features like two-way data binding, dependency injection, and modular architecture to create robust, scalable, and maintainable applications.

 Component-based Architecture

Component-based Architecture

Using component-based architecture, our AngularJs experts create efficient and modular web apps. They leverage Angular's framework for maintainable, scalable, and clean architecture, resulting in reusable and encapsulated components for optimal development practices.

RxJS and Observables

RxJS and Observables

With their expertise in RxJS and Observables, our Angular developers enhance application performance by offering reactive programming capabilities. They provide smooth interaction and effective data management, improving the general responsiveness of your Angular apps.

Advanced Routing and Navigation

Advanced Routing and Navigation

Possessing advanced skills in routing and navigation, our developers can seamlessly orchestrate complex navigation flows. They leverage Angular's routing capabilities to create dynamic, user-friendly web applications with intricate navigation structures.

Complete Code Security

RESTful API Integration

Our team of skilled developers expertly integrates RESTful APIs to optimize data exchange. With proficiency in handling HTTP requests, they enhance app functionality and connectivity while delivering a robust and data-driven solution.


Testing Expertise

Proficient in unit, end-to-end, and behavior-driven development, our AngularJs developers validate code using top testing tools like Protractor, Jasmine, Karma, and more to deliver robust and error-free applications while enhancing its reliability.

Are you Looking to Hire a Full Stack Angular Developer for your Next Project?

Our Professional AngularJs Developers Are Ready to Drive Success!

AngularJs Development Services We Provide

Single-page Application Development

Responsive Web Development

Specializing in seamless, responsive web development using Angular. Our team ensures optimal user experiences across devices with dynamic, adaptive interfaces for various screen sizes.

Start Working

Single-page Application Development

Craft fluid web experiences with Single-page Applications (SPAs). Achieve dynamic content updates, smooth navigation, and enhanced user engagement, optimizing speed and responsiveness across various devices.

E-commerce Solutions

E-commerce Solutions

Empower online commerce seamlessly. Our solutions prioritize secure transactions, intuitive interfaces, scalable inventory management, and flexible payment gateway integration, ensuring a robust and user-friendly e-commerce experience.

Custom Web Applications

Progressive Web Development

Revolutionize web experiences progressively with Progressive Web Development (PWAs). Ensure reliability, app-like features, and security, delivering optimal performance regardless of device or network conditions for enhanced user satisfaction.


Platform Migration and Re-engineering

Our Angular developers excel in smooth platform transfer and re-engineering. Adhering to Solid Principles, they seamlessly upgrade to newer Angular versions, optimizing performance and leveraging the latest capabilities.


Maintenance and Support

Rely on our Angular developers for thorough maintenance and support. They offer timely issue resolution, updates, and ongoing improvements with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring your applications run smoothly.

Why Hire AngularJS Developers from YTII?

We have a team of proficient developers with unparalleled expertise in delivering efficient, scalable, and innovative solutions. With a proven track record, they ensure seamless development, advanced functionalities, and dedicated support, making us the ideal choice for robust and cutting-edge AngularJS projects. Discover the awesomeness of choosing us! Here's why we stand out as your top choice:

  • Highly Skilled and Top Rated Developers
  • Direct Access to the Developer As Your Own Employee
  • Dedicated Relationship Manager
  • CI/CD Best Practices
  • Core Engineering Team Support
  • Devops Team Support
  • Data Security & IP Protection
  • Excellent Communications Skills & Timezone Overlap
1000+projects delivered
98%client retention ratio

How to Hire AngularJs Developers from YTII?

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Seamless Onboarding
from Anywhere

We set up perfect frameworks, guide and support your onboarding process.

We Offer the Most Popular Angular Combinations

Angular + Node js

Angular and Node.js offer a seamless, high-performing, and feature-rich development environment for web applications. Angular powers dynamic and user-centric frontend experiences, while Node.js provides a scalable and efficient backend.

Angular + Firebase

Angular and Firebase are a powerful combination for creating feature-rich and responsive web applications. Angular provides dynamic, user-centric interfaces, while Firebase offers real-time data synchronization, seamless authentication, and serverless functionality.

Angular + AWS/ Azure/ GCP

Angular provides user-friendly interfaces, while cloud platforms offer secure, scalable infrastructure and versatile services. Our developers use this powerful combination to create responsive and globally accessible web applications that are efficient and innovative.

Angular + JAVA

Angular and Java combine to create dynamic and responsive web interfaces with robust back-end capabilities for feature-rich and scalable applications. Our developers generate high-performance and versatile web solutions by blending Angular's front-end finesse with Java's back-end robustness.

Angular + GraphQL

Redefine the user experience with the dynamic fusion of Angular and GraphQL, ensuring seamless, feature-rich, and highly performant web applications. Angular creates dynamic and responsive interfaces, while GraphQL revolutionizes data querying, offering efficient and precise requests.

Angular + Server-Side Rendering

Our Angular developers employ Angular with server-side rendering (SSR) to meet the crucial need for SEO-friendly webpages in major industries. Unlike static websites, SSR enhances SEO friendliness, ensuring optimal search engine visibility and performance.

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Technical Expertise of our Dedicated Angular Developers

Angular Libraries
Angular JS | RxJS | NgRx | Bootstrap | HTML 5 | SAAS | Prime NG | Angular Material | Nebula | NG Zorro | TeraData Covalent | Clarity UI | NG Bootstrap | DevExtreme | ApexCharts | CoreUI | Ignite UI for Angular
Firestore | GraphQL
Backend Programming Languages
Node JS | Python | .Net | JAVA | PHP
Cloud Computing Service
AWS | Azure | GCP
Designer Tool
Figma | Sketch | Zeplin | Xd Adobe | Invision App
PM Tools
JIRA | Trello | Base Camp | Asana

How YTII Has Helped Businesses Successfully Hire Talented Remote Developers?

We assist both new and emerging start-ups in developing MVPs, hiring teams of skilled developers, and gaining access to cutting-edge technologies. From application creation to modernization and maintenance, our 360° enterprise solutions cover it all.

Collaborate with Top 1% Angular Developers in India

  • Parameters
  • Junior Level Angular Developer
  • Mid-Senior Level Angular Developer
  • Senior Level Angular Developer
  • Cost of hiring an Angular Developer
  • $2880- $3100 /month
  • $3250- $3500 /month
  • $3800+ /month
  • Experience
  • 1-3 years
  • 4-6 years
  • 6+ years

Clients’ Testimonials: Establishing Digital Trust

We love partnering with new clientele! YTII has more than 3000 satisfied clients who continuously support us via their feedback, more projects, and suggestions.

Ultimate Guide to Hire Dedicated Angular Programmers

Launched in 2010 by Google, Angular today is one of the favorite front-end frameworks used by developers to build highly interactive user interfaces. Over 2,275,212 websites are using Angular Js. And below are the reasons why businesses worldwide hire angular js development companies for building user interfaces.

  • Angular offers plenty of customizable components, making it easier for Angular developers to create unique user experiences without exerting too much time on writing codes
  • Angular has a large community of developers ready to your rescue whenever you need to ensure your project never hits a roadblock.
  • Dependency injection in Angular enables easy testing and management as it allows you to change individual components without affecting others.
  • Angular programmers deliver faster development and deployment of projects as the technology helps simplify the intricate elements of app development.
  • Angular is a complete and comprehensive framework for front-end development. So, irrespective of what features you wish to build, Angular can power your creativity.
  • Angular enables quick and short coding of applications, empowering developers to achieve more with little coding due to its features like code re-usage, filters, two-way binding, and decisive UI.

Angular as a framework is constantly evolving. Since its inception in 2010, Google has launched more than 14 versions of the Angular framework. Besides this, they also regularly update the features and widgets in various versions. So an Angular Programmer must keep upgrading skillsets to stay relevant. Though skill upgradation is a continuous process, there are certain skills to assess before you hire developers or anywhere else.

  • A working knowledge of Typescript and how to use it to reduce bugs and increase code refactoring.
  • Knowledge of NPM (node package manager)tool and its installation process
  • In-depth understanding of HTML and CSS and how to render web applications using these technologies to achieve exact UI.
  • Working knowledge of GIT is a must for angular developers to be able to experiment with their codes without the fear of losing existing functionality.
  • Knowledge of Angular CLI(Command Line Interface) and how to install it so they can avoid manual writing of all the codes, ensuring the application is built with best practices at speed.
  • JavaScript is one of the most commonly used coding languages and a must for not just your dedicated angular developers but also developers working with other frameworks.
  • In a mobile-first world, it is imperative that your angular programmers are capable of building responsive web applications that can adjust as per the screen it is being accessed on.
  • Hire a dedicated angular js developer who can write code and know how to test and fix the bugs. They should know about various testing tools and their usage to ensure on-time delivery.
  • The angular development team has to work with the backend team to deliver a successful product. Thus teamwork & communication are essential skillsets.

Below are the responsibilities of your Angular Js Developer:

  • Creating design layouts for user interfaces and getting them implemented
  • Follow best coding practices to create a bug-free product
  • Creating high-performing web applications with unique user experiences.
  • Upskilling to match industry standard
  • Carrying out code analysis and suggesting corrective actions
  • Help in the creation of app frameworks, information flow, and navigation features
  • Testing features and functionality at the time of development
  • Suggesting app feature upgrades
  • Coordinating with backend developers to ensure serverside development support all frontend features

You can hire a dedicated angular developer in India to build the front end for the following applications:

    • Single-page web applications (SPAs)

A single-page web application (SPA) operates on a single page, dynamically updating the page with new data as the user interacts with the application. AngularJS is a popular JavaScript framework for creating SPA web applications. It uses two-way data binding and a modular architecture to make it easier for developers to develop complex applications. AngularJS developers create interactive user interfaces, manage states, and perform client-side rendering, making it an ideal choice for building modern and responsive web applications.

    • Progressive Web Application(PWA)

PWA is a web app that uses the latest web technologies to deliver a native app-like experience to users. These apps can be installed on a user's device and run offline, improving performance and accessibility. Hiring Angular developers can help you create a PWA that combines the power of a native app with the accessibility and reach of the web. AngularJS developers can use the framework's tools and features to create fast, reliable, and engaging PWAs that run smoothly on any device and browser.

    • Enterprise web application for process automation

An Enterprise Web Application is a custom software solution designed to automate and streamline specific business processes within an organization. These applications range from simple task management systems to complex enterprise resource planning systems. Hiring a dedicated Angular developer can help you create a custom application that automates your business processes and makes them more efficient. Angular developers are skilled in using the framework's tools and features to build robust and scalable web applications that handle detailed data and processes.

A study shows that in 2022, 60% of web traffic was generated via mobile phones. Another stat shows that users prefer mobile apps over web browsers.

Today mobile phones have become the go-to solution for users. Building a mobile app is the right choice, and hiring app developers is the best option to scale operations.

Here is how Hiring mobile app developers benefit your business.

  • When you hire an app developer, you get skilled experts to build your app efficiently. These programmers understand the complexity of app development, from coding, design, and user experience. They deliver high-quality, robust applications built using industry standards and best practices.
  • An app developer works closely with your team. They understand the objectives and key requirements of the mobile app and create customized solutions.
  • Mobile app developers help you select the best technology stack to help you build a high-performing, scalable, and device-agnostic solution that is compatible across different operating systems.
  • Hiring an app developer helps you save time and money. Having experts working on your project can help avoid unnecessary errors and iterations. They ensure first-time-right product development and on-time delivery.
  • Having expert mobile app programmers work on your project helps you create interactive and intuitive user experiences. They aid in driving higher engagement, enhancing customer satisfaction, and increasing user loyalty.
  • App development is an ongoing process. It requires continuous support and maintenance even after the initial launch. By hiring an app developer, you can have a reliable partner who can provide you with regular updates. They provide ongoing support and maintenance services for your app. This way, all issues, bugs, and new features can be addressed promptly, ensuring that your app remains up-to-date and relevant in the market for a long time.

Though hiring app developers require investments, its benefits outweigh the costs manifold. The expertise, technical proficiency, and personalized solutions provided by experienced professionals can significantly enhance the success of your app and overall business.

In the digital world, businesses always need to design and build apps for internal teams and their customers. Angular acts as one of the best solutions in such a condition. Angular is an open-source JavaScript framework maintained by Google that helps businesses make robust apps quickly. This framework provides a consistent structure to AngularJS developers, so they do not have to rebuild the code from scratch.

Its scalability and flexibility allow companies to create large enterprise apps, single-page applications, and progressive web applications. The framework is designed to make reusing codes easy, so businesses do not spend too much time doing it.

Your business has little time and should deliver faster in the fast-paced world. Therefore, you must prefer using Angular to build strong, scalable web applications because of its fast development speed, efficiency, and ease of integration with other platforms. It allows you to quickly divide an app into pieces, break the dependencies, and scale at a large level. All you need to do is modify the existing solutions and skyrocket the brand growth with the Angular framework.

Several big brands like IBM, PayPal, and Forbes use the Angular framework for their websites. A company always gets a win-win situation with the Angular framework as it can build next-gen projects that meet the requirements of its users.

By hiring AngularJS developers, businesses can take advantage of the expertise of AngularJS development company, who can provide support and guidance in building their web applications.

Launched in 2010 by Google, Angular today is one of the favorite front-end frameworks used by developers to build highly interactive user interfaces. Over 2,275,212 websites are using Angular Js. And below are the reasons why businesses worldwide hire angular js development companies for building user interfaces.

  • Angular offers plenty of customizable components, making it easier for Angular developers to create unique user experiences without exerting too much time on writing codes
  • Angular has a large community of developers ready to your rescue whenever you need to ensure your project never hits a roadblock.
  • Dependency injection in Angular enables easy testing and management as it allows you to change individual components without affecting others.
  • Angular programmers deliver faster development and deployment of projects as the technology helps simplify the intricate elements of app development.
  • Angular is a complete and comprehensive framework for front-end development. So, irrespective of what features you wish to build, Angular can power your creativity.
  • Angular enables quick and short coding of applications, empowering developers to achieve more with little coding due to its features like code re-usage, filters, two-way binding, and decisive UI.

Angular as a framework is constantly evolving. Since its inception in 2010, Google has launched more than 14 versions of the Angular framework. Besides this, they also regularly update the features and widgets in various versions. So an Angular Programmer must keep upgrading skillsets to stay relevant. Though skill upgradation is a continuous process, there are certain skills to assess before you hire developers or anywhere else.

  • A working knowledge of Typescript and how to use it to reduce bugs and increase code refactoring.
  • Knowledge of NPM (node package manager)tool and its installation process
  • In-depth understanding of HTML and CSS and how to render web applications using these technologies to achieve exact UI.
  • Working knowledge of GIT is a must for angular developers to be able to experiment with their codes without the fear of losing existing functionality.
  • Knowledge of Angular CLI(Command Line Interface) and how to install it so they can avoid manual writing of all the codes, ensuring the application is built with best practices at speed.
  • JavaScript is one of the most commonly used coding languages and a must for not just your dedicated angular developers but also developers working with other frameworks.
  • In a mobile-first world, it is imperative that your angular programmers are capable of building responsive web applications that can adjust as per the screen it is being accessed on.
  • Hire a dedicated angular js developer who can write code and know how to test and fix the bugs. They should know about various testing tools and their usage to ensure on-time delivery.
  • The angular development team has to work with the backend team to deliver a successful product. Thus teamwork & communication are essential skillsets.

Below are the responsibilities of your Angular Js Developer:

  • Creating design layouts for user interfaces and getting them implemented
  • Follow best coding practices to create a bug-free product
  • Creating high-performing web applications with unique user experiences.
  • Upskilling to match industry standard
  • Carrying out code analysis and suggesting corrective actions
  • Help in the creation of app frameworks, information flow, and navigation features
  • Testing features and functionality at the time of development
  • Suggesting app feature upgrades
  • Coordinating with backend developers to ensure serverside development support all frontend features

You can hire a dedicated angular developer in India to build the front end for the following applications:

    • Single-page web applications (SPAs)

A single-page web application (SPA) operates on a single page, dynamically updating the page with new data as the user interacts with the application. AngularJS is a popular JavaScript framework for creating SPA web applications. It uses two-way data binding and a modular architecture to make it easier for developers to develop complex applications. AngularJS developers create interactive user interfaces, manage states, and perform client-side rendering, making it an ideal choice for building modern and responsive web applications.

    • Progressive Web Application(PWA)

PWA is a web app that uses the latest web technologies to deliver a native app-like experience to users. These apps can be installed on a user's device and run offline, improving performance and accessibility. Hiring Angular developers can help you create a PWA that combines the power of a native app with the accessibility and reach of the web. AngularJS developers can use the framework's tools and features to create fast, reliable, and engaging PWAs that run smoothly on any device and browser.

    • Enterprise web application for process automation

An Enterprise Web Application is a custom software solution designed to automate and streamline specific business processes within an organization. These applications range from simple task management systems to complex enterprise resource planning systems. Hiring a dedicated Angular developer can help you create a custom application that automates your business processes and makes them more efficient. Angular developers are skilled in using the framework's tools and features to build robust and scalable web applications that handle detailed data and processes.

A study shows that in 2022, 60% of web traffic was generated via mobile phones. Another stat shows that users prefer mobile apps over web browsers.

Today mobile phones have become the go-to solution for users. Building a mobile app is the right choice, and hiring app developers is the best option to scale operations.

Here is how Hiring mobile app developers benefit your business.

  • When you hire an app developer, you get skilled experts to build your app efficiently. These programmers understand the complexity of app development, from coding, design, and user experience. They deliver high-quality, robust applications built using industry standards and best practices.
  • An app developer works closely with your team. They understand the objectives and key requirements of the mobile app and create customized solutions.
  • Mobile app developers help you select the best technology stack to help you build a high-performing, scalable, and device-agnostic solution that is compatible across different operating systems.
  • Hiring an app developer helps you save time and money. Having experts working on your project can help avoid unnecessary errors and iterations. They ensure first-time-right product development and on-time delivery.
  • Having expert mobile app programmers work on your project helps you create interactive and intuitive user experiences. They aid in driving higher engagement, enhancing customer satisfaction, and increasing user loyalty.
  • App development is an ongoing process. It requires continuous support and maintenance even after the initial launch. By hiring an app developer, you can have a reliable partner who can provide you with regular updates. They provide ongoing support and maintenance services for your app. This way, all issues, bugs, and new features can be addressed promptly, ensuring that your app remains up-to-date and relevant in the market for a long time.

Though hiring app developers require investments, its benefits outweigh the costs manifold. The expertise, technical proficiency, and personalized solutions provided by experienced professionals can significantly enhance the success of your app and overall business.

In the digital world, businesses always need to design and build apps for internal teams and their customers. Angular acts as one of the best solutions in such a condition. Angular is an open-source JavaScript framework maintained by Google that helps businesses make robust apps quickly. This framework provides a consistent structure to AngularJS developers, so they do not have to rebuild the code from scratch.

Its scalability and flexibility allow companies to create large enterprise apps, single-page applications, and progressive web applications. The framework is designed to make reusing codes easy, so businesses do not spend too much time doing it.

Your business has little time and should deliver faster in the fast-paced world. Therefore, you must prefer using Angular to build strong, scalable web applications because of its fast development speed, efficiency, and ease of integration with other platforms. It allows you to quickly divide an app into pieces, break the dependencies, and scale at a large level. All you need to do is modify the existing solutions and skyrocket the brand growth with the Angular framework.

Several big brands like IBM, PayPal, and Forbes use the Angular framework for their websites. A company always gets a win-win situation with the Angular framework as it can build next-gen projects that meet the requirements of its users.

By hiring AngularJS developers, businesses can take advantage of the expertise of AngularJS development company, who can provide support and guidance in building their web applications.

Our Blog

Read on the topics that matter most to you through our comprehensive research articles & informative blogs.

Top 10 AngularJs Features You Should Know

Top 10 AngularJs Features You Should Know

Step-by-Step Guide to Find Angular Developers

Step-by-Step Guide to Find Angular Developers

24 Essential Angular Best Practices to Adapt in 2023

24 Essential Angular Best Practices to Adapt in 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

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Under our 7-day free trial, you get to work with our experienced angular developers with no obligation to hire them. You can assess their skillset, and if you like, you can continue the engagement with the same resources, or we help find resource replacements that meet your expectations.

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The average rate to hire an angular developer in an offshore model in India ranges from $18-$25 per hour.

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Here are the 6 steps to hiring Angular Js Developer

  • Define your project scope, solution features, budget and the timeline for delivery
  • Choose the right mode for hiring - outsourcing, offshoring, remote team hiring, in-house hiring
  • Create an outline of resource requirements in terms of the number of angular developers, years of experience, engagement model, etc.
  • Create and follow a proper hiring process to streamline and fast-forward the operations
  • Conduct multiple rounds of virtual or in-person interviews with candidates to hire angular programmers
  • Select the candidate that matches your project requirement and extend the offer.

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You can hire angular js developers in four engagement models from Your Team in India

  • Hourly- When you hire an angular developer under this model of engagement, you are charged on the basis of the hours a developer spend on the project. The per hour cost of angular developers is pre-defined, but the number of hours deployed on the project varies. It is most suited for dynamic projects with changing scope of work.
  • Monthly/Retainer- When you hire angular programmers under this model, the angular development company is paid a monthly retainer for deploying dedicated resources on the project
  • Fixed Cost- In this mode of engagement, the project scope and deliverables are pre-defined along with its cost. The payments are fixed for the entire project as there is less than a 5% scope of deviation in deliverables.
  • Hybrid- As the name suggests, hybrid is a combination of two or more engagement models where different resources are hired on different terms.

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The hired angular developers generally work during business hours of Indian Standard Time which is between 4 AM to 1 PM GMT. But to build better coordination between the team and our clients, we create time-overlapping work windows where you can discuss project updates, feedback, and plan of action for the coming weeks.

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Yes. Our client can always opt for AMCs ( annual maintenance contracts) where they can hire a dedicated angular developer and avail support and maintenance post-deployment of the project.