Top 8 Java Developer Skills to Look for When Hiring in 2024

Quick Summary:
As Java remains a popular programming language, hiring managers in 2023 need to identify the essential skills required for their developers. This article highlights the top eight Java developer skills that employers should look for in 2023.

Java programming language still remains at the top of the list even in 2023 for web, iOS, and Android apps. From startups to small businesses and enterprises, everyone is searching for Java developers that can help them design, implement, and maintain Java-based software and applications. 

As per the Oracle reports, Java is the number one programming language for DevOps, AI, VR, Big Data, Continuous integration, Analytics, Mobile, Chatbots, and Social. This study proves that even with the rise of new technologies, Java still holds a prominent place.

With the rise in competition across various industries like IT, healthcare, eLearning, etc., businesses are in need of better, faster, and more reliable solutions for their customers. Moreover, entrepreneurs want quick solutions and the right budget. Java programming language is one such language that can help companies achieve their targets fast.

But the question is, when you need someone with Java developer skills, how do you pick the right developer?

Java is all about skills. So apart from preparing a Java developer job description, there are some technical and soft skills that you must consider.

This blog will talk about these Java developer skills in detail so that you can build the best projects.

Transform your ideas into reality with our expert Java developers. Elevate your business with tailored solutions.

Responsibilities of Java developer

Before we look at Java developer skills, let's first discover the responsibilities of these developers when they join your team. Some of their responsibilities include:

  • Understanding the language of Java build tools
  • A Java expert must identify and resolve any technical issues
  • Java developers must design, implement, and maintain Java-based applications
  • The applicant must analyze user requirements to determine the business objectives
  • Manage Java and Java EE application development
  • The developer must analyze user requirements to determine the business objectives

Top Java developer skills to look for when hiring

Java developers can be found across various countries, but how would you identify the right candidate from a large number of Java developers available? To ensure that your project meets all the demands and is up to the mark, you need the right tech stack and resources to achieve it.

Below we have mentioned the top eight skills that you must look for when hiring Java developers. 

1. Object-Oriented Programming

Object-oriented programming is one of the top Java skills to look for when hiring. Object-oriented Programming is fast and easy to execute and helps keep the Java code DRY "Don't Repeat Yourself".

Some of the significant OOP characteristics include:


Abstraction characteristic helps the Java developer to hide irrelevant data about an object to reduce complexity and enhance efficiency. 


Encapsulation binds data with the code that manipulates it and protects it from external manipulation.

Inheritance and composition:

This characteristic allows the developer to reuse elements and combine multiple objects to create a new object.


Polymorphism authorizes the use of a single interface regardless of the underlying forms.

Hence, object-oriented programming concepts emphasize the use of objects, classes, and inheritance to organize and structure code. Java heavily uses OOP concepts to provide a powerful and flexible programming platform.

2. Familiarity with web technologies

If your business often has web application requirements, finding a developer familiar with web development becomes a must. The web technologies like Java server pages allow Java developers to build engaging, rich, and dynamic web applications.  

For Java web developers, the fundamental skills required are Servlet, JSP, and Java EE.

57% of internet users say they would not suggest a business with a badly designed website on mobile, which is why excellent web services are in demand. As a result, RESTful web services are one of the most commonly used APIs in the world of web services.

Some of the Java tech stacks for web development are:


The angular framework is a popular front-end web framework that provides various Java development tools and features for development.

This technology helps to create a single-page app and can be used for creating desktop, native, and advanced web applications.

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript:

HTML creates the core elements of web pages, CSS helps style these pages, and JavaScript adds interactivity and dynamic behavior to these web pages. 

Servlet API: 

Servlet API provides several interfaces and classes to create and run web applications and offers platform-independent service to the users. 

3. Design and architecture

Design and architecture are crucial parts of any business growth. Whether it is a web page, web app, or mobile application, these two aspects add beauty to it.

To ensure that your solutions are unique and provide an excellent user experience, you need a Java developer who fully understands the design and architecture and its importance.

Design patterns can be classified as follows:

Creational design patterns:

These patterns include Singleton, Factory, Abstract Factory, Builder, and Prototype, which deal with object creation mechanisms to create objects suitable for the situation.

Structural design patterns: 

These patterns focus on the composition of classes and objects to form larger structures. They help in simplifying the design and identifying relationships between different entities.

The Adapter, Bridge, Composite, Decorator, Facade, Flyweight, and Proxy patterns are all examples of structural patterns.

Behavioral design patterns:

These patterns deal with the communication between objects and how they work together to perform a task. They are concerned with algorithms and the assignment of responsibilities between objects.

The Chain of Responsibility, Command, Interpreter, Iterator, Mediator, Memento, Observer, State, Strategy, Template Method, and Visitor patterns are all examples of behavioral patterns.

To create robust, scalable, and maintainable software applications, Java developers must be able to translate these designs into functional architecture.

Developers with this skill can make more informed decisions for the software application's design while considering performance, security, scalability, and usability.

Further, such Java engineers can create software programmers that meet the needs of the client and serve as a strong basis for future growth and development.

Recommended read: Java Vs Ruby: Which One Is Better For Web App Development

4. Soft skills

On the one hand, considering the technical Java programming languages skills is essential; on the other hand, it is equally crucial to check their soft skills. If they cannot align with your business goals and project needs, you may face problems in getting your work done.

Some of the vital soft skills to consider when you hire Java developers are:


Java developers will be working with you and your people in the team. Therefore, they must possess the skills to cooperate and work with other team members.

Good communications:

As they will not be present in the office, you need to ensure they have strong communication skills so that you can easily pass on the project needs and contact them in case of discussions.

Time management: 

Time management is one of the foremost soft skills to consider as they should be able to meet the project deadlines without compromising quality.

As Java is one of the most popular and needed programming languages, you will always be in need of it. But did you know that 55% of CFOs state that their greatest challenge in hiring professionals is choosing a candidate with the right soft skills?

Hence, considering these closely should be a priority on your list while hiring.

5. DevOp skills

DevOp skills are an integral part of a successful Java developer as these help in continuous integration and deployment. In addition, DevOps tools automate repetitive tasks, ensure software reliability, monitor and analyze software in real-time, and enhance scalability and software performance.

Below is the list of a few of the top DevOp developer skills you can consider while hiring is:


It is an open-source automation server that automates software development, testing, and deployment.


Docker is a platform for developing, delivering, and executing containerized distributed applications.


This tool is a version control system for developers that lets them collaborate on code, track changes, and manage source code repositories.


It is a configuration management tool used to automate software provisioning, configuration management, and app deployment.


Another popular build automation tool in Java development for managing project dependencies builds, and releases.


Gradle is a build automation tool and an excellent example of a Java build tool that aids in automating the development, testing, and deployment of Java applications.

6. Database skills

Another crucial skill to consider is database skills. Data plays a significant role in software development, and managing large amounts of it can be difficult. Java is undoubtedly one of the most famous and widely used programming languages, and it is used extensively to develop databases and tools for working with data.

The language can also troubleshoot issues related to database connectivity or performance and optimize queries to improve application performance.

Some of the database skills include:


SQL (Structured Query Language) is used to interface with databases and retrieve, edit, or remove data. Therefore, Java developers should be SQL experts who can create complicated queries to retrieve and manage data.

Database design:

Java developers should be familiar with normalization, data modelling, and schema design ideas. Further, they can use this information to create optimized databases for performance, scalability, and maintainability.


ORM frameworks such as Hibernate and JPA assist Java developers in mapping Java objects to database tables. Therefore, they should be conversant with these frameworks and be able to communicate with databases using them.

Indexing and query optimization:

Indexing and query optimization are critical for enhancing database query performance. Java programmers should

Database administration:

Java developers should be familiar with concepts such as backup and recovery, security, and performance tuning. This understanding assists them in ensuring that databases work smoothly and efficiently.

7. Software testing skills

Every software developer should be capable enough to test the codes they write. It is imperative to ensure the quality and reliability of the software. Some of the testing tools that Java engineers should be knowledgeable about are:


It is a popular testing framework for Java applications. It is intended to help in unit testing, which involves testing individual code units or components. JUnit assists developers in identifying and correcting errors early in the development cycle.


TestNG is a comparative testing framework to JUnit but with some additional features, such as data-driven testing and parallel test execution. As a result, testNG can be used for unit testing as well as integration testing.


Mockito is a Java application mocking framework. It enables developers to build fake objects replicating real-world things, which is essential for testing code that relies on other systems or services.


Selenium is a popular web application testing tool. It helps developers to automate web application testing, such as functional testing, regression testing, and load testing.

Apache JMeter: 

It is a load-testing tool that is often used to evaluate the performance of web applications. It enables Java build tools developers to mimic high-traffic scenarios and find performance bottlenecks.

8. Java frameworks and libraries

Java framework helps the developers to skip the start from scratch. The framework acts as the foundation upon which developers build an application, including reusable pieces of code written to perform everyday tasks.

A library, on the other hand, is a collection of prewritten codes used to simplify tasks. Java libraries help developers to reuse the codes and enhance the development speed. Some popular Java frameworks and libraries are:

Spring framework:

It is a widely used framework for web applications and services development. The framework provides several features like dependency injection, aspect-oriented programming, and transaction management for web development.


Hibernate is an ORM framework to simplify database interactions in Java apps and provides a way to map data objects to database tables.


Strut is an open-source framework that provides Model-View-Controller architecture to separate the presentation layer, business logic, and data access logic of an application.

Recommended read: 8 Reasons Why Java Is Top Choice For Enterprise Software

Search no further for a Java developer with Your Team In India

Are you still confused about hiring a developer with the right Java developer skills? Look no further. Your Team In India is the perfect place to hire the ideal Java developer. We have a large pool of talent where Java developers possess core Java skills to build quality projects.

As a top offshore software development company, YTII ensures that every client gets the best resource for building Android apps, web services, and robust mobile apps. 

From full-stack developers to junior Java developers, and senior Java developers, we have just the right programmers. From web services to mobile apps, API development, cloud computing, software development, migration, and upgradation, you can find the candidate for all your project needs in a short time. A few reasons that make YTII your ideal choice for hiring Java developers are:

  • Cost-saving solutions
  • Complete IP protection
  • Real-time project visibility
  • On-demand scaling

Consult us today and find the perfect Java programmer for your business growth.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Java Developers Skills:

Who is a good Java developer?
Successful Java developers have a firm hold on the tech stack and have the skills to work in a team, communicate well, and understand the project needs well to deliver the quality as expected.
What are Java programming skills?
Some of the critical Java developer skills include OOPS, CSS, HTML, Design Patterns, Testing skills, DevOp skills, and familiarity with web technologies.
What to look for when planning to hire a Java developer?
A few things to look for when hiring a Java developer are considering if the technical skills match the project needs, checking the cultural fit, judging the problem-solving skills, and ensuring that the developer completely understands your project details.
How do you evaluate a Java developer?
To evaluate a Java developer, you can judge their technical skills like Object Oriented Programming, core Java skills, advanced concepts, web tech stack, and design and architecture. Also, consider soft skills like teamwork, communication, and time management skills.
How do I hire a Java developer?
To hire a Java developer, you can prepare the Java developer job description that mentions all the technical needs and the responsibilities the candidate will have during the project. Further, judge the technical and soft skills when finalizing the candidate.