Everything You Need To Know To Hire RPA Developers

Are you looking to take your business to the next level with the help of RPA developers? Hiring RPA developers can help you automate tasks, saving you time and money. They can also help you improve customer service, making your business more efficient. 

Robotic process automation, helps businesses use software bots to complete their manual, mundane tasks. This will not only boost productivity, but will result in quality work and services, cost-saving, and client satisfaction.

RPA: An Overview!

RPA is a technology that makes it easy to automate business processes and tasks that are repetitive but necessary to keep the business running. Also, RPA makes it faster and easier to do routine tasks like invoicing, data entry, and payroll. Automating these processes will reduce labor costs and eliminate errors that we tend to make when doing lengthy and repetitive tasks.

One of the biggest misconceptions about RPA technology is that it is the same as Artificial Intelligence. However, RPA uses the benefits of AI for managing cognitive processes like screen visualization, engagement in chats, and data interpretation.

Read more: An Ultimate Guide To RPA (Robotic Process Automation) – 2022

How Does RPA Work?

Let's say you need to extract data from various invoices into the spreadsheet, attach the financial reports and send it to the respective party. That's where the RPA comes in. The RPA will automatically do the repetitive steps and reproduce them repeatedly. 

It optimizes the business-related operations, which results in better productivity, and employee engagement, thereby increasing profit. SO, instead of doing routine tedious tasks, companies can focus on doing more creative things that need high intelligence, like sales management or new project development.

Why Do Companies Hire RPA Developers?

RPA developers are in high demand. Not just tech companies but many IT and consulting firms are on the hunt to hire the best RPA developers. Here are some of the big reasons why:

1. Cost-saving:

When implemented successfully, RPA can give huge savings on labor costs for your business; it can automate tasks like record-keeping, invoicing, tax reconciliation, and other customer-service-related tasks. These tasks are very time-consuming and can take lots of hours of employees.

Thus, relying on bots for doing repetitive tasks means that businesses don't have to pay employees for hours spent on that jobs. Studies suggest that RPA can save up to 75% of the overall labor cost. Besides this, process automation will free employees from mundane tasks, allowing them to do other meaningful and complex operations. This will result in greater job satisfaction, as your employees will feel engaged and challenged.

2. Less manual errors:

Human errors are natural and can lead to serious issues. In businesses like IT and communication, careless mistakes can create a hole in your network and let hackers infringe. 

Even the most careful employees can make mistakes with manual and data entry tasks. But, robots programmed to handle routine tasks are not prone to these human errors. When they make mistakes, it's because they have been programmed incorrectly. This can be minimized by hiring a skilled RPA developer.

3. Improve employee productivity:

Implementing RPA will help boost productivity by making mundane tasks faster and more efficient. RPA will also increase employee productivity by cutting back on enforced idleness and speeding up the workflow. For instance, waiting for invoices to generate has now become a thing of the past with RPA. RPA increases the speed of data entry tasks and invoicing so that your employees can focus on other important things.

4. Streamline processes:

Since RPA can speed up repetitive, large-scale tasks like entering employees' hours on the payroll and streamline processes, by speeding the process, RPA can streamline the large workflow to keep your business running. It minimizes idleness and eliminates human error, thereby minimizing the time you would otherwise spend on correcting those errors.

In other words, RPA helps improve employee performance by streamlining large workflows and improving the speed of processes, which was affecting their performance.

Benefits of Using RPA Technology:

Let's discuss why you should implement RPA technology in your business processes. Some of the common benefits of using RPA are:


Benefits of using RPA technology Benefits of using RPA technology


1. Increased productivity:

Did you know that about 78% of business owners agree that automating repetitive tasks in the company helps boost the productivity of everyone involved in the work? RPA bots help execute business-related tasks easily and much faster than humans. As a result, companies can experience growth in productivity without increasing recruitment costs.

2. Enhanced Flexibility:

Robotic solutions are quite flexible to adjust the new business initiatives. Instead of asking IT specialists to free the time and resources to modify the basic business systems, you can make changes to your RPA software. This happens because RPA is dependent on the enterprise system, not integrated into them. Thus RPA is a low-risk installation.

3. High Accuracy:

Automating tasks helps to reduce manual errors because bots do what they are programmed to do. They are not programmed to make manual errors because of inattention and tiredness. Apart from this, RPA also submits a thorough trial so that businesses can easily monitor the progress of work.

4. Cost-saving:

RPA leads to improved business metrics in various industries around the world because of the efficiency gains and enhanced customer experience. In fact, around 57% of the businesses state that Automation cuts down the cost expenses to 10-50% of the department cost that is connected with manual processing.

5. Increased security:

Since bots are designed to perform specific tasks and operate on a granular level, this minimizes the risk of data leakage from one facet to another. RPA implementation increases the need for a workforce that can manage and control both machines and people.

6. Improved analytics:

Another most concrete benefit of RPA is improved analytics. Businesses can collect valuable data through RPA, which can be applied to make a more informed decision. The improved analytics allow you to embrace your product and services for the targeted market. It also helps you improve the processes you are automating. 

With RPA bots gathering and differentiating data, you can embrace decision-making at micro and macro levels. Additionally, you can streamline the business's processes to get high efficiency.

7. RPA is non–disruptive:

Most business owners feel hesitant to upgrade or change their legacy system because of:

  • High cost
  • Temporary business downtime
  • Complex IT infrastructure

The benefit of using robotic process automation is that it can automate daily operations. Bots can interact with the legacy system at the UI end of the presentation.

Unlike humans, bots cannot manually put passwords and user IDs. Therefore, adopting RPA doesn't need to be complex and disruptive. This frees the employees from doing repetitive and boring tasks and allows them to focus on more strategic level activities that are worth their time and effort.

8. Automated document Creation:

With the help of procedures and triggers, RPA can automate document creation and modification tasks. This frees employees from the peer pressure of manually keeping track of tiny updates and ensures that the business process operations are carried out timely.

9. Automated responses and triggers: 

Every RPA system has scheduling capabilities, and it operates beyond the scope of the scheduler. It helps assist the managers in completing the automated and semi-automated scheduling. The semi-automated scheduling occurs when a particular event occurs like a click or press.

However, in unattended Automation, the trigger doesn't have to be human action. Instead, it can be anything like a document or an email. Businesses can identify the areas of operations that can be automated.

What are the Applications of RPA in Different Industries?

Seeing the notable impact of bots in businesses, the adoption rate has exponentially grown in recent years. Various sectors like retail, telecommunication, healthcare, financial services, and more are seeing visible effects of Robotic process business automation. Let's see the most popular industries that have been affected by the impact of RPA:

Finance and Banking: RPA can be used to automate the following tasks in the banking sector:

  • Data validation
  • Data migration between banking applications
  • Report creation
  • Form filling
  • Account management
  • Teller receipts management
  • Loan claim processing

 Healthcare: In the healthcare industry, RPA caters to the following tasks:

  • Migration and processing of customer data
  • Reporting to the doctors
  • Insurance data automation
  • Claim status
  • Patient record storage
  • Medical bill processing

 Manufacturing: RPA in manufacturing is used for:

  • ERP automation
  • Product pricing comparison
  • Data monitoring
  • Automating logistic data

 Retail sector: The primary use of RPA in retail is for:

  • Extracting the production data from websites
  • Updating the product information automatically on the websites
  • Importing email sales
  • Updating online inventories automatically

 Telecommunications: The telecommunication industry has a huge impact on RPA in the following areas:

  • Backing the client information system
  • Uploading data
  • Collecting and consolidating the client's phone data
  • Extracting data related to the competitor's prices

Related Read: RPA Use Cases In The Real World [Updated 2022]

Why Do Your Businesses Need RPA Automation?

Businesses across industries are actively seeking RPA developers to speed up their digital transformation journey and it's not just the tech companies who are looking for RPA professionals; many other sectors are also looking for RPA professionals. 

End-to-end Automation with the implementation of the bot will help enterprises to identify the key areas that need modifications, accelerate internal workflow, and use the company's time and effort on other things. Let's have a look at the potential RPA system implementation through stats:

  • By 2030, the global robotic process automation size will be valued at $13 billion.
  • Automation saves at least 20 minutes of work per employee.
  • More than 45% of organizations are going to adopt RPA solutions to make their company digital.
  • RPA can minimize operational costs by up to 60%.

Furthermore, RPA solutions are used by various industries globally, from logistics to healthcare to retail, like inventory management, invoice generations, client data, sales order processing and etc. Additionally, a successful automation solution depends on the proper implementation and deployment of the RPA system. Therefore, it is important to work with RPA automation developers to get powerful end-to-end services.

Read More: What is Robotic Process Automation? A Detailed Guide for Business Owners

What are the Various Stages of RPA Development?

Consider these RPA development stages to implement RPA software in your business:

Step1: Planning Phase

This stage includes problem analysis and revealing business operations, which can be automated to remove manual responsibilities. If you plan to automate the process, the RPA analyst, along with the RPA solution, will plan the process. 

Step2: Solution Design Phase

The design stage is about creating a roadmap; you also need a Process Definition Document (PDD) that gives detailed information about every step needed in the Automation. Once the project requirements are listed and the PDD is prepared, things like the number of specialists, time spent, and budget is discussed. 

After this, the team prepares the blueprint for understanding the workflow of the process. The flowchart helps RPA developers to define every step that needs Automation. After this, the software engineer picks the RPA tool to start the bot development task to apply Automation. This complete process is called the development stage.

Step 3: Development Phase:

This phase is for creating automation software based on the Process Definition Document with an RPA tool. Depending upon the type of Automation, you may or may not need to do coding. For instance, some providers give visual scripting tools that allow non-technical users to build RPA bots without any coding. Once the development stage is completed, the next stage is to test the bot's functionality.

Step4: Testing Phase

In this phase, the efficiency of the robot is tested under the pre-production environment to see if the bot complies with the business requirements. But, if the test fails, the bots return to the development phase, where the errors are texted and fixed.

Step 5: Deployment and Maintenance Phase

This stage is all about deploying automation software for the customer's use. The RPA automation developers give continuous software maintenance to the clients for the technical changes. 

RPA service solutions give instant solutions after handling the product to the clients.

Skills And Knowledge Required By RPA Developers:

RPA engineers need diversified skills; apart from programming knowledge, they should be aware of the company's processes and business needs. You can hire a skilled RPA professional or build a team where each member has unique skills. Here are a few skills you would need to ensure when hiring an RPA developer:


skills and Knowledge Required by RPA Developers skills and Knowledge Required by RPA Developers


Hard skills

Enlisted here are some of the most common hard skills required in the RPA developers:

  • Coding skills: RPA developers need to focus on coding skills because most RPA platforms are built on the Microsoft .NET Framework or Visual Basic, and .NET is the basic programming language used with RPA projects to allow access to Microsoft's library. Also, coding requires engineers to process all the data that may pass from the robotic process automation solution. Some of the common programming languages required are:

i.) Python (for multiple bots employs scripts)

ii.) JavaScript (used for creating web-based RPA)

iii.) C/C# (used for making desktop RPA software)

  • Good knowledge of RPA tools:

Consider buying the Out-of-the-box RPA solution like Automation Anywhere or UiPath to use the RPA system. At this point, the RPA developers should be able to adapt and maintain these technologies. A ready-to-use can be a good choice if you want to integrate automation tools quickly. However, some RPA tools are limited in functionality and may not adhere to your requirements. Therefore, custom solutions provide complete flexibility of features and will adhere to your business needs.

  • Expertise with Machine learning:

Cognitive Automation is the new branch of RPA technologies that includes RPA, ML, and Artificial intelligence to take bots usage to another level. When looking for RPA experts with ML and AI expertise, keep in mind that both areas are complex, and one person dedicatedly will not be responsible for its development, integration, and model training. So, you need different RPA experts to handle automation tasks.

  • Experience with cloud technology: Some software companies use their cloud infrastructure, including RPA software. This means an RPA specialist should have good command in AWS to apply bots in the cloud.

Soft Skills

Soft skills show the developer's tech-savviness with the development tools that are specifically used for RPA-related positions. However, RPA performs different roles as per the development lifecycle. Let's consider which soft skills are required for the RPA developer:

  • Problem-solving skills: RPA professionals should be able to solve industry-specific challenges and will be able to streamline the budget. So, your RPA candidate should be able to join various skills through an RPA expert.
  • Change Management Capabilities: RPA development teams must know how to manage the modifications that are integrated into automated processes to prevent adverse effects. This also means that RPA engineers have to comprehend why and how the updates affect the program built to automate the operations. And thus decide the upgrades required to add to the RPA bots.
  • Expertise in Process mining: RPA professionals apply process-mining expertise to create new automation strategies and to identify the best possible implementation tricks. The RPA engineers should know how to differentiate between the business-need processes that need Automation and to track those who process through data.

What Are Different RPA Certifications?

Certificates show developers' knowledge of working with different RPA platforms. A business owner can evaluate the candidate's tech knowledge and identify if they are experienced enough to work on a project. Moreover, RPA certification allows employers to identify a specialist with the RPA platform-specific knowledge.

From an employer's point of view, the RPA certification is needed for some organizations. This is the fastest way to become RPA automation certified, gain credibility and increase credibility.

There are three providers that offer RPA certification; let's discuss them:

UiPath Certification:

UiPath certification is the most famous learning platform that covers all aspects of RPA. It can be split into two categories:

  •  UiPath Certified RPA Associate: It's a training program for beginners of any role. Specialists with this Certification can resolve simple automation tasks.
  • UiPath Certified Advanced RPA Developer (UiARD): UiARD is a learning program for high-end professionals. The senior RPA engineers can handle any complex automation task and manage the RPA development lifecycle. 

Automation Anywhere Certification:

Automation Anywhere is the second biggest RPA education provider. Unlike the other certifications, this platform split the training program depending on the role-specific skills like bot developer, business analyst, and Citizen Developer.

This certification process is divided into three categories:

  • Essential RPA Certification for faculty: This course is all about topics related to the RPA essentials, RPA-based business apps, and Automation anywhere platform basics.
  • Automation Anywhere Certified Advanced RPA Experts: This will help participants define opportunities and needs for Automation and allow them to apply Automation Anywhere software for designing bots.
  • Automation Anywhere Certified Master RPA Professional: This exam will help enterprises cover through the comprehend RPA software for different use-cases. It includes the part on how to treat bots and their related infrastructure.

BluePrism Certification: 

This Certification covers the new branch of RPA and focuses on cognitive Automation. It includes the basics of Blue Prism and framework management along with the AI-based software in RPA. This Certification is divided into five categories:

  • Developer: It's an examination of different RPA developers that focus on automation specifics in different production environments.
  • Professional developer: This program includes advanced engineers focusing on Automation in different production environments.
  • Solution designer: This Certification includes the solution design with the RPA system.
  • Technical Architect: It's an examination for back-end developers on Blue Prism.
  • Robotic Operating Model Architect: RPA system deployment on the enterprise level, including various implementation tactics and aspects.

How do I Hire RPA Developer from YTII? 

YTII RPA developers have many years of experience in constructing and implementing custom software solutions. Our team can assist you with your digital transformation using RPA technology to help you optimize the business processes and to minimize employee cost by increasing efficiency and productivity. You can choose Your Team In India because:

  • We are UiPath Preferred partner
  • Delivered 1.5k+ Bots
  • Saved more than 25k hours through our end-to-end automation
  • Strong team of 20+ certified consultants and developers

We work with three types of contacts, i.e., Time and Material, Dedicated Team, and Fixed price. Let's understand each:

  • Time and Material: In this, we give the estimation of scope and start the project without providing any deadline We plan and get the client's approval and accordingly make changes.
  • Fixed Price: This model is for fixed scope of work and has detailed estimation, strict deadlines, and precise requirements.
  • Dedicated Team: This type of contract allows large-scale and enterprise-level projects to have teams. In this, you can hire a team of developers to deliver the software developer to the client's project.  

Thinking about Automation? Connect to YTII and Let us access your Business!

The RPA system is not a single-stage development process; instead, it's a complex process that needs thoughtful preparation and in-depth knowledge of the field. So, the best way to implement RPA is to contact experienced professionals and discuss the idea to get the best results.